Monday, November 26, 2007

The Prestige- Wonderful Movie

Caught up with this movie yesterday....excellent screen play and a wonderful plot. Wanted to see this movie for a long time but finally made it yesterday. Anyone with a taste for a inter-woven plot combined with tension building underneath kind of movie will not want to miss out on this one.
The story starts with one of the protagonist drowning while performing a Magic feat (this movie is about 19th century magicians trying to out do each other) while the other watches him die. The story then shifts frames back and forth to arrive at the starting point and by the time your are revealed what happened in between, you are left with a deep sense of satisfaction of watching a brilliant plot that makes perfect sense.
The movie is on the longer side and the screenplay could have been more fast paced. But again, it was not meant to be that kind of a movie.
All the lead actors were phenomenal, especially Hugh Jackman and Chris Bale were the apt choices for their roles.
All in all, a movie worth the Sunday evening and one that you should check out if you already have not.

Movie Meter Rating: **** (out of *****)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Utter Chaos online- the ROSS email

A seemingly harmless email from University of Michigan Business School (Ross) turned out to kick start a wave of mass panic over the Internet.
many Round 1 applicants interpreted the email as a Ding and started
posting philosophical discussions. I just do not see the point for
panic. It was the most generic of emails that one can see these days
and it did not signify anything other than saying that all parts of the
application are complete.
While I have still not received an
invitation to interview , I believe that there is no need for panic.
Those who feel they have a strong application, just wait, you will get
the invite and a possible admit too.
Just do not get all panicky and spoil the holidays...plan for your black Friday shopping, catch a movie, devour a turkey if you are part of the tradition and if you are a Desi like me, just watch the India - Pakistan cricket match....
Chill out guys....I am heading off to catch a movie. I will post a review if I feel the movie is worth it..

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Chicago GSB interview

This has to be a great feeling.....getting the interview invite from the school that was ranked No.1 in 2006. At least my work impressed someone....good to know.
But now the you have a realistic chance and do not want to blow it off......So, I dig up every resource that is related to Chicago GSB ( not that I haven't before but even more so now) and note down every piece of data that I think is pertinent.
Now, I always be live in preparing for the worst that you have the bases covered...
For excellent interview tips just go to Clear Admit Wiki for experiences from real people and also visit to get some expert advice on questions to prepare for.

Now on to my own experience. I was assigned a Alum who was based in the twin cities (about a 70 mile ride from where I am) and she contacted me directly to setup the appointment.
WE planned to meet at a Coffee shop in the central part of the city. As a first step toward success, I actually found the place without any issues and we actually met.
She explained her background and asked me to just walk her through my resume.
The interview was not pre-structured as was the case with Kellogg (very usual when you compare interviews by AdCom vs Alum) and she just interjected me with questions. then proceed along the usual route of why chicago and why now and rounded off with a conversation about the different programs that Chicago had to offer and I should say that she really loved the school.
No curve balls whatsoever and I made it a point to convey whatever I wanted to and now just wait in line for the decision.
My tips to those waiting to interview:
If you are interviewing with AdCom ( or on campus), browse extensively for sample questions and prepare answers. It does not hurt to script your answers and read out loud. In that way, you can be sure of what you will be blurting out.
The interview is just about ONE thing: You need to know inside out about yourself and need to clearly communicate that to someone. and that comes with practice...after all you are doing yourself a favor by getting in to a top go all out and prepare hard and the results will come...
Good luck ya all...........

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Kellogg Interview

Guys and Girls out there.....
If you ever decide to do something with your career that in turn results in your decision to apply to a top MBA program and your top choice turns out to be Kellogg, do opt for an ON-Campus interview.....At least going by my experience and many of my forum mates' experiences.
The interview was so devoid of any events that it turned out to be a breeze. I had the good fortune to interview with one of the assistant director of admissions and she made me feel so much at ease right away and then flowed a conversation that beat my expectations and fears by a mile. That I get in to Kellogg or not is a whole different kettle of fish. So I will stop rambling and get to the questions right away.
Walk me through your academic experiences
Walk me through your career progression and explain why you made the choices you made.
What do you expect from Kellogg or what do you think seals the deal for you as far as Kellogg is concerned.
Tell me how you will bring value to Kellogg
What is a common misconception about you
How does your friends describe you
Any questions for me.

Simple and straightforward....Ain't it ?

The catch lies in differentiating yourself efficiently. Becoz the AdCom ask these questions day in and day out and unless you provide them with a sparklingly different answers with REAL WORLD examples, you wont strike as some one different.
So try to say whatever you have achieved with a poetic licence.

All said and done, I have no clue If I aced the interview. I definitely did not blow it up and I am sure neither did the 5000 other co-applicants.

Will I make the cut or will I not? The world will move on either way and so will I.

Dad is going to do an MBA

That's the look my 38 day old girl had on her face when I saw her after the Kellogg interview.
Oh..Yes...yet another Indian aiming to break in to any one of the four M7 schools here in the US. For the first time in life, I thought I had a plan....for where my career is headed to.
I metamorphosed from being a budding entrepreneur to being a grad student to being involved in clinical research...and finally found my third love....My career.
I want to go ahead and be my own boss. My company, which I started with my dad, (seriously dude, I was involved) has grown beyond my wildest dreams and it is time to go back and grab it by the horns.
Wait....I first need the skills to do that.
That's why I have worked relentlessly (Honestly) and put in my apps to four best fit schools
I attended an open for all applicants interview at Kellogg and also was invited by Chicago GSB to interview as part of the next stage of consideration.
Waiting for invites (hopefully) from Ross and Sloan....but so is everyone who had applied.
I have done the hard the most torturous part...WAITING........
so I go back and play with my little girl while lovely wife makes tea....
MMMMMM..............That is Life and here I am splitting my hairs to do an MBA....
thats life too.
See you all soon...........
My interview experiences at Kellogg and Chicago to Follow........