Thursday, November 22, 2007

Utter Chaos online- the ROSS email

A seemingly harmless email from University of Michigan Business School (Ross) turned out to kick start a wave of mass panic over the Internet.
many Round 1 applicants interpreted the email as a Ding and started
posting philosophical discussions. I just do not see the point for
panic. It was the most generic of emails that one can see these days
and it did not signify anything other than saying that all parts of the
application are complete.
While I have still not received an
invitation to interview , I believe that there is no need for panic.
Those who feel they have a strong application, just wait, you will get
the invite and a possible admit too.
Just do not get all panicky and spoil the holidays...plan for your black Friday shopping, catch a movie, devour a turkey if you are part of the tradition and if you are a Desi like me, just watch the India - Pakistan cricket match....
Chill out guys....I am heading off to catch a movie. I will post a review if I feel the movie is worth it..

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