Monday, November 26, 2007

The Prestige- Wonderful Movie

Caught up with this movie yesterday....excellent screen play and a wonderful plot. Wanted to see this movie for a long time but finally made it yesterday. Anyone with a taste for a inter-woven plot combined with tension building underneath kind of movie will not want to miss out on this one.
The story starts with one of the protagonist drowning while performing a Magic feat (this movie is about 19th century magicians trying to out do each other) while the other watches him die. The story then shifts frames back and forth to arrive at the starting point and by the time your are revealed what happened in between, you are left with a deep sense of satisfaction of watching a brilliant plot that makes perfect sense.
The movie is on the longer side and the screenplay could have been more fast paced. But again, it was not meant to be that kind of a movie.
All the lead actors were phenomenal, especially Hugh Jackman and Chris Bale were the apt choices for their roles.
All in all, a movie worth the Sunday evening and one that you should check out if you already have not.

Movie Meter Rating: **** (out of *****)

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